Laurane Chemenda
Laurane Chemenda
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Gwendoline a été absolument incroyable en tant qu’officiante pour le baptême de notre fille! Elle a été très à l’écoute, professionnelle et a excédé nos espérances quant à la cérémonie. Nous avons fait plusieurs échanges pour apprendre à nous connaître puis elle a contacté toutes les personnes concernées pour la cérémonie. Le text était personnalisé et hparfait entre émotion et rituels. Je recommande Gwendoline chaudement!
Faustine Demersseman
Faustine Demersseman
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Merci infiniment Gwen pour ton travail, ton temps et ton amour. Grâce à toi nous avons eu une cérémonie laïque personnalisée et unique. Tout le monde se rappellera de notre rituel des chips !
Renaud Conti
Renaud Conti
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Gwendoline est une excellente Wedding Planner, toujours aux petits soins pour ses mariés. Elle est réactive et créative, je la recommande vivement !
Jean Philippe Blondet
Jean Philippe Blondet
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Je recommande chaleureusement Gwendoline et ses équipes Jeune équipe très dynamique , professionnelle réactive Super communication heureusement qu elle étais la pour palier à toutes nos exigences afin de faire le jour j un jour parfait sans aucun problème Tout s est déroulé si facilement …… merci beaucoup on a réussi à profiter de notre journée entièrement grâce à vous Foncez les yeux fermé !! Merci Gwen
Dorinda Champoussin
Dorinda Champoussin
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Nous avons choisi Gwen comme officiante pour la cérémonie laïque de notre mariage et nous sommes plus que ravis de ce choix ! La cérémonie a fait l’unanimité, elle était à notre image, Gwen a vraiment pris le temps d’écouter notre histoire pour la retranscrire au mieux, c’était vraiment parfait !! Vous pouvez lui faire confiance les yeux fermés
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Gwen (Wedding Key) was incredible - a God send, truly! We decided we wanted to plan most of our wedding ourselves but we knew we would need someone to make sure we didn’t miss anything and to make sure everything was perfect on the big day. We knew from the first meeting that she was exactly what we needed. Gwen was not only professional, knowledgeable, and organized – she was also always personable, warm, friendly. And she always made sure we stayed on track!! We love Gwen and are so grateful for everything she did for us before the wedding and on the big day. Even family and friends commented on what a great planner we had. She was like a fairy godmother who came in and sprinkled her magic on everything, managed all the vendors and helped make sure we had the best day ever. The only bad part of our experience was that we had to say goodbye to this angel. We cannot recommend Gwen enough. 10/10 stars.
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It has been an amazingly handled wedding. We didn’t worry about anything as Gwen managed to take care of every details for our wedding. She started to talk with us to understand our personalities and wishes, made great proposition and was very creative. She took great care to make sure everybody would be synch in time and would cooperate for our amazing day to be perfect! Thank you for this perfect management!
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C'est une personne dynamique disponible réactive, elle est à l'écoute et a su répondre à toutes nos attentes. Elle a un grand cœur et ça se ressent dans tout son accompagnement. Son discours était vraiment personnalisé et très touchant, nous avons passé un moment magique grâce à toi mille merci, vraiment!
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Par quoi commencer sans rien oublier... Nous avons fait appel à Gwendoline pour l'organisation de notre mariage et, de la cérémonie laïque. Près d'un an de préparatifs avant le jour-j. Etant une mariée très carrée (perfectionniste clairement) dans mon organisation, je souhaitais que tout soit parfait le jour-j et se fut le cas en partie et grâce à Gwendoline. Très présente à chaque demande, accompagnante dans les RDV importants, rassurante, très sociable envers les proches, souriante, professionnelle, serviable... je pourrais donner des adjectifs par centaine. Elle a réalisé une magnifique cérémonie et a su mettre en cohésion tous les proches qui y ont participé : que se soit par leurs discours ou les rituels. Excellente gestion le jour-j et, que du bonheur passé trop vite! Heureuse d'avoir rencontré une wedding planner comme toi mais également, une belle personne avec qui je vais garder le contact et un lien spécial puisque tu as contribué au plus beau jour de ma vie. Continues de célébrer l'amour comme tu le fait déjà. Avec toute mon affection, Caroline.
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Nous avons eu le plaisir de travailler avec Gwen pour l’organisation de notre mariage cette année, de la recherche de notre lieu, choix des prestataires, et pour finir la planification de nos deux jours de mariage … et quel bonheur! Nous sommes ravie d’avoir fait confiance à Gwen qui nous a permis de passer le plus beau jour de notre vie! Quel passion, et rigueur dans son travail! Cela a été un sans faute, pas une, tout était parfait! Que des éloges à son sujet de la part de nos invités de même que ses assistantes absolument adorable! Gwen nous te remercions du fond du coeur, tu es amazing! Tout était parfait et grâce à toi nous avons vécu un réel compte de fée!
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I interviewed more than 20 wedding planners before deciding, and as soon as I spoke to Gwen the first time, I knew that I could stop looking. Our wedding turned out a fairytale and I couldn’t be happier with our choice to work with Gwen. Gwen made both myself and my husband feel totally secure around the planning and as a bride, I wasn’t stressed even once before our big day. She is a true joy to work with in addition to being incredibly reliable, creative, attentive, and she went above and beyond to customize the wedding just as we wanted it. We were also very pleased with the vendors that she recommended, as it was obvious that she values quality. Gwen was also our wedding officiant and made sure to get to know us both personally, resulting in an incredible ceremony. Her English is great, which is something that makes the collaboration for internationals easy. I can warmly recommend Gwen to anybody that plans to get married in the south of France, it was without exaggeration one of the best choices we made for our big day! Fanny,
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Gwen (Wedding Key) was incredible - a God send, truly! We decided we wanted to plan most of our wedding ourselves but we knew we would need someone to make sure we didn’t miss anything and to make sure everything was perfect on the big day. We knew from the first meeting that she was exactly what we needed. Gwen was not only professional, knowledgeable, and organized – she was also always personable, warm, friendly. And she always made sure we stayed on track!! We love Gwen and are so grateful for everything she did for us before the wedding and on the big day. Even family and friends commented on what a great planner we had. She was like a fairy godmother who came in and sprinkled her magic on everything, managed all the vendors and helped make sure we had the best day ever. The only bad part of our experience was that we had to say goodbye to this angel. We cannot recommend Gwen enough. 10/10 stars.
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Merci Gwen pour ton aide précieuse tout au long des préparatifs. De bons conseils, une ecoute attentive, des prestataires de qualités, nous n aurions pu nous passer de toi. Tous mes invités sont venus me féliciter pour cette magnifique cérémonie laïque que tu avais preparé. Tu as su raconter notre histoire de la plus belle des manières par ta belle plume. Tu rayonnes en tant qu officiante. Gwen connaît son travail parfaitement, elle sait gérer les imprévus, prendre les décisions qu il faut et créer de la magie dans l'un des plus beau jour de notre vie. Elle veille sur le bon déroulé de cette journée. Merci pour tout

Les plus beaux retours

Regitze Grønlund

It’s hard to put into words how amazing Gwen is. On a personal level she’s an amazing human being and is the nicest person you’ll meet. On a professional level I’ve have never met anyone with her skills of party/ wedding planning. She has an overview of every little detail and is extremely organised!

She planned me and my husbands wedding at Chateau de Saint Jeannet with a lot of guests, vendors and staff. Without her our wedding definitely would not have been the perfect and flawless day that it was. She did everything perfect from beginning to end.

I can honestly say that it was the best money we spent on the entire wedding because without her it wouldn’t have been the perfect wedding that we dreamt of. The whole day was so smooth and I didn’t worry one second about anything because Gwen had it all under control.

Before hiring Gwen, my husband and I, interviewed a lot of wedding planners. After our first meeting with Gwen it became very clear that she is one of a kind and extremely good at her job.

All the different vendors she recommended turned out much better than the ones we had found ourselves.

Thank you so much for everything Gwen. We will be forever grateful for all your help with our wedding

Mariage exclusif Alpes-Maritimes

Steven Campbell

This is a review for Gwendoline Nicolas and Wedding Key following our wedding on 18/09/21 in France.

I have taken my time to write this review as it is very difficult to truly articulate how incredible Gwen has been for our wedding from start to finish.

We first met with Gwen around one year prior to our wedding through recommendation from a previous company she worked for as we were looking for someone french but with English-speaking ability so we could articulate our thoughts and needs. From our first meeting (over Zoom due to Covid!) we could tell that Gwen was perfect for us. She was concise in conveying her thoughts for the wedding as well as fully understanding our vision whilst providing valuable input, whether it be ideas she felt would work or aspects to consider which we hadn’t even thought about! Gwen’s English is also excellent which put us even more at ease.

We opted to have Gwen both as our officiant on the wedding day and planner leading up to the wedding. I would highly recommend this for anyone looking to choose Gwen for their wedding as not only was she amazing at both roles, but it also felt even more controlled and perfect due to her involvement in both aspects. From a planning perspective, the suppliers and options Gwen presented to us were all perfect for us in keeping with our budget. She afforded us numerous options with different approaches while also providing her own personal comments for each based on her experience. And from an officiant perspective, the style and flow Gwen presented with on the day was everything we could have asked for and more. The consideration and level of detail she put in to the ceremony was clear for all to see, and left not only me, but also our guests quite emotional!

Gwen’s organisational skills are unparalleled to anyone I have ever met. She had a set timeline of everything that needed to be completed at different points leading up to the wedding day and conducted meetings and calls when required to ensure everything is in place. Her planning and attention to detail left us completely at ease at all times leading up to the wedding.

On the wedding day itself, Gwen’s aptitude clearly shone through. From my arrival until the moment we left, it was evident she had everything under control. I would even go as far as to say she had a calming influence on me personally just by her demeanor on the day. She adhered to our timeline perfectly and even throughout the day, she would check in with both of us to ensure everything was OK and to make sure we had everything we need. In addition, Gwen’s staff were all well versed in the plan for the day and were exceptional from start to finish.

There are not enough superlatives in the dictionary to describe just how truly amazing Gwen has been for us. If this review does not convince you that Gwen is the best person for your wedding, or any other event for that matter, I have allowed Gwen to pass on my contact details if you would like to discuss further.

Gwen, once again, thank you a thousand times for everything.

Collaborateur de Zankyou
Wedding Key Certified